Food and Beverage Industry

Food and Beverage Industry

Processing, production, storage and trade of food and beverage - each of these steps requires careful control and accurate measurement of critical parameters to ensure consistently high product quality, employees and facilities safety.

Our temperature and level sensors, dedicated gas detectors, temperature & humidity transmitters provide reliable readings in the demanding conditions for both commercial and industrial applications.

Ripening rooms

Ripening rooms

The wrong approach to fruits and vegetables ripening can lead to poor product quality and losses. Provision and maintenance of narrowly defined environments in ripening rooms...
Controlled atmosphere in fruits and vegetables storage rooms

Controlled atmosphere in fruits and vegetables storage rooms

Shelf life of fruits and vegetables can be reduced due to the influence of certain environmental conditions in storage rooms. Controlled atmosphere creation is a good solution to ensure...
CO2 leak detection in refrigeration applications

CO2 leak detection in refrigeration applications

Using Carbon Dioxide as refrigerant gas implies risk of potential leakage which must be controlled in accordance with international and local regulations. Important problems when detecting CO2 leakages...
Industrial kitchens

Industrial kitchens

Industrial kitchen is an enterprise that produces food for public consumption. For cooking such kitchens use explosive gases like Natural gas and Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which can be supplied through a gas pipeline or from cylinders...
Gas safety in brewery

Gas safety in brewery

Fermentation and bottling rooms in a brewery need special control as they are areas of increased hazard to the health of employees. During both of these processes, there is a risk of generating Сarbon Dioxide (CO2) and Nitrogen (N2) concentrations that exceed the allowable values...
Gas safety in wineries

Gas safety in wineries

Gas hazard areas in wineries include: storages for harvested grapes, fermentation and bottling rooms as well as barrel cellars. These confined spaces must be carefully controlled to timely prevent dangerous concentrations of Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Argon, Sulfur Dioxide, Ozone and Ethanol...